Wisconsin Counties
While The Clinical Manager™ is used by county governments and Managed Care Organizations across the country, Clinical Data Solutions has an especially close relationship with many counties in the State of Wisconsin. Approximately 25% of Wisconsin counties currently use TCM and other Wisconsin counties are in the process of evaluating TCM for their own use.
ADRC (Aging and Disability Resource Centers)
The Clinical Manager™ tracks all the information that is required to provide ADRC activity reporting. This information is exported via XML files to the appropriate systems. The relevant information is collected in the hotline calls module and appropriate services provided. These are defined by service code and call types as specified in TCM’s maintenance tables by the system administrator. All relevant information is captured in ADRC-specific windows in TCM.
Because we are aware of the ever-changing program requirements for ADRC, TCM’s ADRC export functionality was specifically designed to be easy to change. In addition, because the ADRC-specific information is captured in its own window, modifications can be easily made to address future added data requirements very easily, without disrupting the rest of the program.
Please see Billing for the billing features in TCM that are specifically designed for the State of Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Multi-County Group (MCG)
For a county in Wisconsin, purchasing TCM represents a significant opportunity. The counties that comprise the Multi-County Group, or MCG, share resources, share the cost of customizations and share their knowledge and experience with TCM amongst themselves. One of the greatest benefits to any Wisconsin county that purchases TCM and joins the MCG will be in the shared cost of customizations. CDS encourages this collaboration and allows the cost of customizations to be shared among the MCG members. In this way, a customization of TCM that might otherwise cost thousands of dollars if you were alone will instead cost a fraction of that amount when shared among your MCG colleagues. This becomes especially important when you need to comply with state or federal mandates, particularly the unfunded ones.
Joining the MCG will allow you to share in training, documentation and sharing of ideas. You will no longer be alone but rather will have many affiliate counties to share your challenges, frustrations and successes with. Working together with the MCG in partnership with Clinical Data Solutions, you will be able to have a real impact on how TCM works for you. That in turn will allow you concentrate your scarce resources where they have the greatest impact; on delivering the services that are so desperately needed in your community.
In addition to customization, the group meets weekly via conference call where various topics are discussed such as the latest customizations, developments as they pertain to local, state and/or federal compliance, ways each of the counties uses TCM to address a particular issue, problem solving, etc. That dialog takes place outside of the weekly calls as well, and the counties are constantly sharing information with one another, with TCM as the common tie.